1. mkcert

    Usage of mkcert:
    $ mkcert -install
    Install the local CA in the system trust store.
    $ mkcert example.org
    Generate "example.org.pem" and "example.org-key.pem".
    $ mkcert example.com myapp.dev localhost ::1
    Generate "example.com+4.pem" and "example.com+4-key.pem".
    $ mkcert "*.example.it"
    Generate "_wildcard.example.it.pem" and "_wildcard.example.it-key.pem".
    $ mkcert -uninstall
    Uninstall the local CA (but do not delete it).

Advanced options:

-cert-file FILE, -key-file FILE, -p12-file FILE
    Customize the output paths.

    Generate a certificate for client authentication.

    Generate a certificate with an ECDSA key.

    Generate a ".p12" PKCS #12 file, also know as a ".pfx" file,
    containing certificate and key for legacy applications.

-csr CSR
    Generate a certificate based on the supplied CSR. Conflicts with
    all other flags and arguments except -install and -cert-file.

    Print the CA certificate and key storage location.

$CAROOT (environment variable)
    Set the CA certificate and key storage location. (This allows
    maintaining multiple local CAs in parallel.)

$TRUST_STORES (environment variable)
    A comma-separated list of trust stores to install the local
    root CA into. Options are: "system", "java" and "nss" (includes
    Firefox). Autodetected by default.
  1. 安装anyproxy
npm install -g anyproxy
  1. 配置anyproxy证书
anyproxy-ca #生成rootCA证书,生成后需要手动信任
// anyproxy --intercept #启动AnyProxy,并解析所有https请求
node config/ssl/proxy.js #启动代理


  1. 配置 webpackDevServer 的证书 将config/ssl/server.pem 覆盖至 /gmall/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/ssl 修改/af-webpack/lib/dev.js 添加
const serverConfig = {
  disableHostCheck: true,
  compress: true,
  clientLogLevel: 'none',
  hot: true,
  quiet: true,
  https: true,
  headers: {
    'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
  publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
  watchOptions: {
    ignored: /node_modules/,
  overlay: false,
  host: HOST,
  1. 安装config/ssl/CA.crt 至需要代理的手机
  1. 修改手机 wifi 代理至本机IP:8001

  2. 配置 host test.niubi.com

  1. anyproxy
/* eslint-disable */
const AnyProxy = require('anyproxy')

const options = {
  port: 8001,
  webInterface: {
    enable: true,
    webPort: 8002,
  throttle: 10000,
  forceProxyHttps: true,
  wsIntercept: true, // 不开启websocket代理
  silent: false,
  dangerouslyIgnoreUnauthorized: true,
const proxyServer = new AnyProxy.ProxyServer(options)

proxyServer.on('ready', () => {
  /* */
proxyServer.on('error', e => {
  /* */

注意: 被代理手机需要安装并信任两个证书,一个是 anyproxy 的,一个是config/ssl/CA.crt

